Something wicked to Instructables comes!

Costumes and candy and skeletons, oh my! Halloween has finally come back around and we are raring to go! Epic costumes, eerie decorations, disturbing desserts, whatever it is you like to make to help celebrate Halloween, share it here!

We’re changing things up a little bit this year. Instead of spreading things out, we’ve combined our Halloween competitions into one big contest! There will be a grand prize from Raise3D for the Best Overall Project and three first prize winners for the Best Costume/Prop*, Decoration, and Food. There will also be a fun judges’ prize from Petcube for the Best Pet Costume!

As with our previous Halloween Contests, you can enter anything you have posted since the last contest ended.

We Witch You A Maker-y Halloween!

*A prop is something that is held/part of your costume and a decoration is something that would be part of your Halloween decor.

The Halloween Contest 2017 is closed.

Grand Prize

20 Prizes

Judges Prize: Pet Costume (1)

Petcube Play
an Instructables prize pack including a robot t-shirt

Grand (1)

Raise3D N2
an Instructables prize pack including a robot t-shirt

First: Costumes/Props, Decor, and Food (3)

Macbook Air
an Instructables prize pack including a robot t-shirt

Second (5)

GoPro Hero Session
GoPro Accessory Kit
an Instructables prize pack including a robot t-shirt

Third (10)

Leatherman Style PS Multitool
an Instructables prize pack including a robot t-shirt
How It Works

Write an Instructable

Create a new Instructable that fits the guidelines outlined in the contest description above. To be eligible, Instructables must be published between Nov 8, 2016 and Nov 13, 2017 (11:59pm PT).


Upon publishing your Instructable you'll see checkboxes for open contests. Select Halloween Contest 2017. If you have entries currently eligible for entry, it will also show up by clicking "Enter this Contest" on the right side of this page.


Entries are accepted by Instructables staff within one business day Monday - Friday. What matters is the submission time, not acceptance time.


A panel of judges made up of Instructables staff and respected members of the community rate the finalists. The averages of the ratings determine the winners.


When the winners are decided they will be notified and announced here on the contest page.